Project Description
Prize Winners 2020
Category Video
Robert Bongen, Julian Feldmann and Fabienne Hurst
Das ungesühnte SS-Massaker: Ein französisches Dorf kämpft um Gerechtigkeit

(© Jan Littelmann)
In Ascq, a village in the North of France, SS soldiers murdered 86 civilians in the night from April 1 to 2, 1944. The locals are unable to forget this cruel massacre to this day. Especially as one of the perpetrators, Karl Münter, although sentenced to death by a French military court, has never been extradited by Germany and lived unperturbed in Hildesheim. On the occasion of the 75th remembrance day of the massacre, the three reporters talk to Karl Münter and travels to the relatives of the victims accompanied by a team of three journalists. Together they try to find answers to the question: Can justice still be done after all these years?

(© Privat)
From one day to the next, Francine Kahn finds out that she is heir to a collection of 450 paintings. Sold illegally by the Vichy Regime at the time, the artworks belonging to her uncle Armand Dorville had disappeared for more than 70 years. With the help of an art historian and two genealogists, she goes on a long hunt for clues and fights for the restitution of the paintings.
She finally gets three of them back from the German government in January 2020, but the collection is still largely untraceable.
Category Text
Elisa-Madeleine Glöckner, Veronika Lintner, Jonas Voss & Julian Würzer
Augsburger Allgemeine

(© Thomas Obermeier)
In the run-up to the European election, four trainees went on a journey of discovery through several EU countries. In personal conversations and site visits, the journalists-to-be inform on various aspects of the EU, highlighting its achievements and values, but also current difficulties. Clichés are picked up on and instantly demolished with a wink. All this without neglecting the subjective perception of Europe.
Small anecdotes, observations and thoughts find their place in the 16-page newspaper supplement comprising various journalistic genres. A contribution that generates enthusiasm for Europe and its people.

It is Europe’s largest ongoing tax fraud: 50 billion euros are stolen from EU member states every year. The method: VAT carousels. And while the organized gangs find ever new opportunities for fraud, the authorities are unable to agree on a coordinated approach. In a border-crossing investigation by over 60 journalists from 30 countries, the CORRECTIV research centre and its partners uncover the methods of the criminals and track the journey of the stolen money. Extensive graphics, texts and videos help website visitors gain a highly transparent insight into the complex subject matter.
Category Young Talents
Anaelle Abasq, Alexia Echerbault, Lara Gohr, Thabo Huntgeburth, Lukas Knauer, Louise Pillais, Mathilde Pires, Meret Reh, Camille Sarazin & Ramona Westhof
Plus chaud que le climat – Heißer als das Klima
Deutschlandfunk Kultur

(© Lukas Knauer)
One subject, ten young journalists, and five production days in Nîmes: These are the framework conditions of this intercultural radio project. The result is a bilingual broadcast scrutinizing climate protection with dedication from various perspectives. The team explains the consequences of progressive globalization using viniculture, fuel poverty, textile production and the climate protest culture as examples. To this end, the project members conducted interviews with local companies and institutions. In just under an hour of airtime, they have managed to tailor comprehensive and well-researched information about both countries to a young audience.