Project Description
Prize Winners 2019
Media Prize

(© picture alliance / dpa / Christian Böhmer)
For decades, Beate and Serge Klarsfeld have been role models for the fight against forgetting, for humanity and against a nationalism that promotes the exclusion and stigmatization of different-minded people and other faith groups. The extraordinary couple stands for the reconciliation between peoples and, in particular, between France and Germany. The tireless fighters for human rights and a peaceful coexistence are architects of today’s Europe and the European unification.
Video Category
Kirsten Esch
Forschung und Verbrechen – Die Reichsuniversität Straßburg

(© Private)
This film is about the Reich University Strasbourg, which was opened in occupied France in 1941 and at which top scientists of the German Reich worked. The director Kirsten Esch, whose grandfather was the dean of the University, uncovers how the intellectual elite cooperated with the SS and reveals how the professors were involved in the terrible crimes committed by the Nazis.

(© Christophe Abramovitz)
This weekly radio show gives young Europeans of different backgrounds the chance to speak and investigates their relation with the continent. By her modern tone, the choice of the interlocutors and her journalistic commitment, the author shows that talking about Europe can be exciting.
Text Category
Lena Kampf
Die unendliche Geduld von Papier
Die unendliche Geduld von Papier
Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin

(© Philipp Boegle)
One year after #MeToo and with the help of the notebook of Jeanne Ponté, parliamentary assistant, this article denounces sexual harassment in the European Parliament. In a respectful as well as appropriate tone and without sounding preachy or lurid, the author describes how the good intentions of a European institution are petering out after the interest in the topic wanes.
Multimedia Category
Students of the Centre universitaire d’enseignement du journalisme Strasbourg

The European agriculture has many sides. On their multimedia website, the CUEJ Strasbourg students shed light on the different challenges faced by European farmers and address amongst other topics the repercussions of climate change, organic farming and the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).
Young Talent Prize Category
Carolin Dylla
Der Aachener Vertrag oder „Élysée 2.0“ – Upgrade für die deutsch-französische Zusammenarbeit?
Saarländischer Rundfunk

(© Private)
In her reportage, the journalist Carolin Dylla succeeds in closely analyzing the complicated legal text of the Treaty of Aachen, signed in 2019. Against the background of increasing nationalist tendencies, she manages to compile an interesting report in which politicians, people from both sides of the borders as well as political scientists present their views.