Project Description
Prize Winners 2003
Honorary Prize
Joseph Hanimann

Joseph Hanimann
Joseph Hanimann has been serving the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung as a feature correspondent in Paris since 1986. He regularly reports about a broad spectrum of France-related subjects, conveying a comprehensive and thoroughly researched picture of the neighbouring country.
Television Prize
Harald Schmidt
„Die Harald Schmidt Show – Le show en français“

Harald Schmidt
Entertainment icon Harald Schmidt has been presenting the “Harald Schmidt Show”, long since a cult, on Sat1 since December 1995. His show on 28 May 2002 had the subtitle “Le Show en Français” and was entirely in French. He thus presented the French neighbour to his German audience humorously, honestly and entertainingly for all of an hour. He is being awarded the Television Prize for this bold achievement.
Radio Prize
Radio France Internationale and Deutsche Welle
„Duo für Europa“

Occasioned by the 40th anniversary of the Treaty of Friendship between France and Germany, Radio France Internationale and Deutsche Welle developed a varied and successful cooperative project entitled “Duo for Europe”. The bilingual show skilfully presents 40 years of shared Franco-German history and its political implications.
Print Media Prize
Libération and Berliner Zeitung

The double issue of Libération and Berliner Zeitung occasioned by the 40th anniversary of the Élysée Treaty is awarded the Print Media Prize. The jury commended that this successful “double paper” offered French and German editors an opportunity to work as a team. This built a bridge of cooperation in the journalistic field.
Young Talent Prize donated by the Franco-German Youth Office
Harald Jung and his team
„Fremde Freunde“
Harald Jung

The Franco-German Youth Office’s Young Talent Prize is awarded to Harald Jung (ZDF) and his team of French and German journalists for the show “Foreign Friends”. Broadcast by ZDF on 19 January 2003, the show is being honoured for its original and personal approach to various everyday Franco-German themes.