Project Description
Prize Winners 2009
Media Prize
Simone Veil

Simone Veil, photo: dpa
The 2009 Media Prize goes to the French publisher and politician Simone Veil, member of the Académie Française. As a holocaust survivor, she championed reconciliation between France and Germany without hesitation. She stood up for this as a politician as well as a grand dame of the public discourse in France, Germany and Europe.
Television Prize
Jeff Wittenberg / Jean-Marie Lequertier
„La France : une arrogante solitude ?” [2:26 Min.]
France 2

Jean-Marie Lequertier

Jeff Wittenberg
The Television Prize goes to the French authors Jeff Wittenberg and Jean-Marie Lequertier for their reportage “La France : An Arrogant Solitude?”, a France 2 production.
In their excellently researched and structured film, they describe the “inner life of the Europe-machine Brussels”. With highly aesthetic images and a fresh eye, they uncover, layer by layer, the complex structures that political representatives move in and in which they need to make themselves heard, if possible.
The jury additionally commends the masterful camera work by Jean-Marie Lequertier.

Clarisse Cossais
The Radio Prize is awarded to Clarisse Cossais for the short “La Sehnsucht. French in Berlin”, shown by SWR 2. In a very poetic and sensitive manner, the author succeeds in opening a new perspective on their capital for Germans while simultaneously affording an insight into the “French soul”.
The jury particularly commends the excellent production and dramaturgy, as well as the courage and patience of the author to leave her protagonists the room they need to tell their stories in a very personal manner.
Print Media Prize
Alex Rühle
„Ruhig und strahlend wie die Gleise vor uns”
Süddeutsche Zeitung
In the Print Media category, the prize goes to Alex Rühle for his article “Calmly Radiant as the Tracks before us”. A German walker describes Paris along Metro line 13 and discovers the social diversity of the French capital and its suburbs.
The jury particularly highlights the humorous manner in which Alex Rühle recounts the various facets of Paris’ districts and suburbs on his little urban journey. In doing so, the author always steers clear of the customary tourist clichés. The text introduces German readers to the social and multicultural reality of Greater Paris.
Internet Prize – donated by the Département de la Moselle
Publisher and editor Redakteurin
Cécile Boutelet

Cécile Boutelet
The Internet Prize is awarded to the German edition of the web magazine “Petit Journal”.
The jury particularly appreciates the variety of the presented themes describing life and everyday social interactions in Germany from a French perspective. At the same time, “Le Petit Journal” enables French nationals living abroad to keep in touch with their home country. “Le Petit Journal” offers a wealth of practical information about cultural life, economic issues and politics, and also answers to administrative questions.
Young Talent Prize donated by the Franco-German Youth Office
Maria Wimmer
„Prostituierte sind Opfer, nicht Straftäter“
Mittelbadische Presse

Maria Wimmer
The Young Talent Prize (€ 4,000) donated by the Franco-German Youth Office is awarded to Maria Wimmer for “Prostitutes are Victims, not Criminals”, published by Mittelbadische Presse.
Sensitively, but also from an original perspective, the young author accompanies the work of two associations supporting prostitutes in starting a new life in Germany and France. She throws light on the very different realities on this and the other side of the border, compares the legal foundations, and thus delivers a blatant example for lacking harmonization in Europe.