Project Description
Prize Winners 2018
Media Prize
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Habermas

(© Wolfram Huke)
The philosopher and sociologist Prof. Dr. Jürgen Habermas is awarded the prize for his decades of engagement for a democratically constituted Europe. He has informed generations of academics with his scientific work, and decisively influenced the debate about the future of Europe with his regular interjections.
Video Category
Karine Comazzi & Patrice Burgère representing the reportage team
Les Klarsfeld, chasseurs de ténèbres
France 2

(reporter team © private)
The film “The Klarsfeld, Hunters of Darkness” tells the story and illustrates the struggle of Beate and Serge Klarsfeld, a Franco-German couple who dedicated thirty years to hunting down Nazi war criminals and Vichy collaborators responsible for the deportation of 76,000 Jews in France.

(© private)

(© Frédéric Klemczynski divergence images)
“The Little Returners” gives a voice to jihadists’ children who were born in the Iraqi – Syrian zone or taken there and are now coming to France. In interviews with relatives and experts, Emilie Denètre and Adèle Humbert paint a sweeping picture of the situation in France.

(© private)
The reportage “Two Brothers” is much more than just a thriller: it is a story of integration success and failure as exemplified by the brothers Hamid and Hakim, whose life trajectories couldn’t be more different. Using Marseille as an example, the author succeeds in casually and adroitly communicating important information about the reality of underprivileged districts in France’s cities.
Multimedia Category
Donatien Huet, Simon Jockers, Annika Joeres, Jade Lindgaard & Felix Michel

The “Searise” project enables the global problem of climate change to be experienced on a local and regional level. With its vivid presentation form, “Searise” invites its users to literally dive deeper into the subject.
Young Talent Prize Category
Anika Maldacker
Badische Zeitung

(© private)
In her reportage, Anika Maldacker describes the desperate fight to preserve the regional language in Alsace. In the framework story about a holiday camp where children learn Alsatian, the author skilfully blends elements of reportage, historical background and the current political debate around the territorial reform in France.