Project Description
Prize Winners 2012
Media Prize
Alfred Grosser

Alfred Grosser (photo: X21de – Reiner Freese)
The Media Prize is awarded to Alfred Grosser. The French publisher and political scientist has tirelessly campaigned for Franco-German reconciliation and understanding since 1945. With many publications and speeches, he has contributed to building friendly relations between the neighbours while never tiring of highlighting the commonalities and differences.

Stephan Lamby (photo: ECO Media TV-Produktion)

Michael Wech (photo: ECO Media TV-Produktion)
The Video Prize goes to Stephan Lamby and Michael Wech for their film “The Domino Effect – is the Euro Toppling?”, a ZDF/ARTE production. The documentary vividly narrates the dramatic events of the currency and debt crisis and allows viewers to partake in the reflections of important protagonists, combining them in a manner completely unheard of before.
The jury was won around by the exciting narrative style that eschews sensationalism. The difficult and abstract subject of the euro crisis has been confidently framed, understandably explained and grippingly recounted by the authors. This film meets the objectives of the FGJP in an exemplary manner because it presents this most burning issue for both countries and the whole of Europe in a manner that is transparent for the viewer.
Audio Category
Christian Buckard / Daniel Guthmann
„Ma Grande, meine Liebe, mein Leben!”

Christian Buckard

Daniel Guthmann
The Audio Prize is awarded to Christian Buckard and Daniel Guthmann for “Ma Grande, my Love, my Life!”, shown by SWR in coproduction with NDR and RBB.
This contribution is an outstanding piece of cultural journalism that is rendered truly touching by its production and realization. Although rooted in the past, it still feels contemporary through the depth of the Franco-German love story between Jean Gabin and Marlene Dietrich. The account of this previously little-known liaison shows facets of both personalities – courage, honesty, sincerity – that still move us as much today as they did then. A radio experience that captivates the listener from the first to the last minute.

Karl De Meyer
The prize in the Text Contribution category is awarded to Karl de Meyer for his article “Angela Merkel, Europe despite everything”, published in the daily “Les Echos”.
In his article, Karl de Meyer sketches a very successful portrait of the German Chancellor and her European strategy, not always that comprehensible for non-Germans. It quickly makes the reader realize the complexity of the decision-making by heads of government, and the pressure top politicians are under. The author always remains objective and journalistically correct. His line of reasoning is graced by high-calibre statements communicating plenty of background knowledge about German politics and its less visible players. An article that mediates a wealth of knowledge about one of the most powerful politicians to a French readership clearly, vividly and truthfully.

Joseph Gordillo (photo: Daniel Denise)

Laetitia Giroux (photo: Daniel Denise)
The Multimedia Prize goes to Gordillo and Laetitia Giroux for their web presentation “The Indignant”.
The bilingual web documentation makes convincing use of the internet medium’s multimedia potentials. The result is a lively picture of the various forms of this protest movement in several European countries. The user is thus enabled to trace the development of this movement since its initial spark, the book “Time for Outrage” by Berlin-born French national Stéphane Hessel.
Young Talent Prize donated by the Franco-German Youth Office
Isabelle Foucrier

The Young Talent Prize donated by the Franco-German Youth Office goes to 22 students of the CUEJ journalism school in Strasbourg for their web dossier “Ruhr conversions“, published on
The students are: Mathilde Bournique, Aurelie Delmas, Cedric Dolanc, Doup Kaigama Leyla, Renaud Fevrier, Thibaut Gagnepain, Dorothée Haffner, Fabienne Hurst, Celine Jankowiak, Marc-Andre Kruppa, Hui Lan, Clara Lecoq-Reale, Marjorie Lenhardt, Brigitte Lichtfuss, Marion Lippmann, Chloe Michelon, Anne-Claire Poirier, Wiebke Ramisch, Maren Rampendahl, Aude Raso, Frank-André Rauschendorf, Thomas Richard
The jury awarded the Young Talent Prize to this internet project because it found the modern and innovative manner the information is offered in convincing. The project uses the diverse technical possibilities of the multimedia world. With these elements, it draws a comprehensive picture of a region that has experienced profound social and economic changes. The internet user is enabled to explore this wealth by way of videos, web animations and texts. This initiative shows that a curious look at the neighbouring country can still uncover new sides of an apparently familiar society.